Apr 24, 2024

When you’ve suffered injuries in Texas due to someone else’s negligence, the road to recovery can be long and tough, and a lot of the difficulty lies in understanding how to effectively bring a personal injury case. The professionals at a personal injury law firm in McAllen, TX have the experience you need.

Uncovering All the Facts

Right from the outset, a Texas personal injury lawyer will launch a thorough investigation into the accident that caused your injuries.  They will seek out and analyze a variety of evidence, such as police reports that may contain critical details about the incident, witness accounts, and assessments of who was at fault. Medical records will be reviewed to document both the physical injuries you sustained and the lasting impact they have on your life.  

Your lawyer might also use photographs and videos from the scene of the accident or security footage to reconstruct events and illustrate the circumstances you faced. Additionally, they may track down witnesses and secure their testimony to bolster your case. Importantly, since Texas operates on a comparative fault system (meaning that if you are found partially responsible for the accident, your compensation could be reduced), your attorney will work diligently to prove the other party’s primary liability and minimize any attempt to shift blame onto you.

Negotiating From Strength

Dealing with insurance companies can be a major source of frustration for accident victims. Your lawyer is your buffer, taking over all communications and negotiations with the insurers. Their in-depth knowledge of insurance company tactics and strategies allows them to skillfully present your case in a way that maximizes its value, aiming to secure a settlement that truly reflects your losses.

Calculating What You’re Owed

Calculating the full extent of your damages is not always straightforward. Your lawyer will first assess economic losses, like past and ongoing medical expenses (hospitalizations, doctor visits, rehabilitation, medications), the wages you’ve lost while unable to work, and any impact the injuries may have on your future earning capacity.

They can also advise on what you should claim for repairing or replacing damaged property, such as your vehicle. Your lawyer will also factor in the physical and emotional pain and suffering you’ve endured as a direct result of the accident to get you a fair deal.

Going to Court

While the majority of personal injury cases in Texas end in a negotiated settlement, a skilled attorney prepares diligently as if your case is headed for trial: because it might! Building a strong and well-supported case increases your leverage in settlement discussions. Should negotiations be unsuccessful, your lawyer will be fully prepared to fight for you in court, passionately presenting evidence and advocating for a just verdict.

Because time can be your enemy in a personal injury case, don’t hesitate to seek legal help. The sooner you hire a lawyer, the sooner they can begin protecting your interests and working towards the justice you deserve. Contact us today at the Almaraz Law Firm in McAllen, TX for help.