Jan 30, 2024

If you are involved in an accident or sustain injuries related to hazardous conditions or someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. An experienced personal injury lawyer at Almaraz Law Firm in McAllen, TX, will explain the process of filing your specific claim; however, the basic steps are outlined here so you know what to expect.

Steps To File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in McAllen, TX

Seek Appropriate Medical Care

When you experience any type of injury, you should seek appropriate medical care.
Personal injury claims may result from a wide range of situations, including:

  • Car accidents
  • Improper medical care
  • Poor property maintenance
  • Workplace injuries
  • Wrongful death

If you believe the injury will be covered by an outside insurance policy, such as workers’ compensation, mention that to the care provider. Keep in mind that you should not forego medical attention for an injury because of the cost. This is one of the items that you may be able to recover in a personal injury lawsuit.

Discuss Your Case With a Personal Injury Lawyer

Not all injuries qualify for a legal claim, and you must establish if you have a valid claim before filing a lawsuit. Texas has rules about filing false claims, and you want to stay on the right side of the law. A lawyer will help determine the merits of your case, which is why you want to speak to a qualified injury attorney quickly after suffering an injury caused by someone else.

Lawyers perform crucial services to ensure that legal cases proceed as expected, including investigating accidents and establishing negligence. We also represent you in court and negotiations with other attorneys and insurance providers. 

Provide Records of Injuries and Treatments

Once you decide to move forward with a lawsuit, you must provide records of injuries and the treatments you have received for them. These records support your claims and help establish how much compensation you will seek. Texas law allows you to seek compensatory damages for the following expenses as they relate to your injuries:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages (current and future)
  • Costs of repairing or replacing damaged property
  • Home modifications related to your injury

In some situations, you may also be eligible to seek punitive damages. This is a more complex type of lawsuit, so be sure to discuss the details with your attorney.

File Your Lawsuit

Most injury claims in Texas start in one of the 400+ district courts throughout the state that handle civil cases. The sheer size and complexity of the Texas court system virtually demands that you have a qualified attorney representing you throughout the process. Failure to file the correct form or at the correct location could result in your claim being dismissed. It may even cause you to go beyond the statute of limitations and miss the opportunity to seek compensation for your injuries.

Choose an Experienced Injury Attorney

Filing a personal injury lawsuit in Texas requires several steps, including investigating the injury, determining appropriate compensation, and filing all required paperwork. Contact Almaraz Law Firm in McAllen to request a consultation and determine your next steps.